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We made it! And what an incredible year it’s been. Wishing our wonderful girls and families and our brilliant staff a fantastic summer break


Yesterday we had a wonderful event, with our EAL students and our teachers sharing stories of arriving to England and all of their fascinating and unique experiences


Celebrating our , Bromley Experience and Bromley Endeavour Year 9 students who have smashed their end of year assessments, achieved top grades and who our Most Able programmes next year will support in achieving all their goals. Well done ladies 🎉📚🎶⚽️👏🏼


We loved having the Year 6 scientists in the academy today! 🧪 and what polite, mature and kind scientists they are too 😊


Exciting day for our Year 6 scientists! 🧪🔬 They're exploring 's state-of-the-art labs this afternoon, getting a taste of secondary school science. 🚀 Sparking curiosity and building confidence for their upcoming transition.


Some wonderful Year 10s have been busy this week interviewing our Year 12 potential Head Student candidates. Insightful questions, careful note-taking, opinionated young leaders 📝final round interviews next week!


We loved welcoming your girls to join us for our Summer Showcase! Thank you for coming


Wow! What a fantastic afternoon for our Year 5 & 6s at ! 🌟 They were treated to an amazing Summer performance by the talented HABR students 🎭🎶 A perfect taster of secondary school life! Thank you for hosting us! 👏


Our Year 7 scientists participated in the Egg Race yesterday ! They had a brilliant time and came third against some tough competition! Well done girls


These determined Year 11 students may have finished their GSCEs... but today they take on the challenge that is Leith Hill! developing further their initiative and independence as they complete their Silver adventure!


Another hugely successful day at THE HGABR sports day. The whole academy come together to cheer each other on and compete as faculties. This year Red Faculty were the overall winners!


HGABR Annual Sports Day has begun!


🏕️ Our Silver students from Year 10 and 11 have set up camp for night 1 of 2 after a full day of walking! What a brilliant start to the expedition 🏕️


🏆The HGABR athletes have done it again! 🏆 3 years in a row our amazing girls have gained FIRST PLACE at the regional athletics final. We could not be prouder. Tomorrow they will compete for their faculty in the HGABR 2024 Sports Day! 🏃‍♀️🎽


📚 50 BRAND NEW BOOKS just hit the library shelves. Big shout to Miss Jokogbola who convinced the amazing to send us their spare books. We geeked out at the library! 📚


🏆The HGABR athletes have done it again! 🏆 Three years in a row our amazing girls have gained FIRST PLACE at the regional athletics final. We could not be prouder. Tomorrow they will complete for their faculty in the HGABR 2024 Sports Day! 🏃‍♀️🎽


Our Year 6 taster day is in full swing with our new HGABR girls trying out lessons in Art, Science, Mandarin, Drama, Maths & more!


It’s our favourite day of the year! Welcoming our new Year 7 HGABR girls into the fold at their taster day.This morning started with a welcome assembly hearing from our current students sharing their pearls of wisdom


Live in Bromley? In Year 7-11? Join our free football training camp 30th July-23rd August! ⚽️🍝🧃Sign up here ➡️


The sunniest send-off for our Year 13 cohort this afternoon - a year group who have achieved so much, overcome so much but, most importantly, have made the most beautiful friendships - and it was an honour to celebrate that for the final time today. Have an amazing summer!☀️⛱️🌻

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Curriculum Overview

Welcome to Harris Academy Bromley’s curriculum information section of our website. In this section you can find out more about the subjects our students study and how we approach teaching and learning.

For further information about the school's curriculum, please contact Mr Sherwin on 0208 778 5917 or via email at

Curriculum intent

Our curriculum design is founded on our belief of ‘All Can: We Will.’ We believe that our curriculum guides students in their pursuit of knowledge, understanding and curiosity and is the bedrock of developing characters that Can and Will succeed. 

The curriculum focuses on developing the whole student through traditional academic pathways, cultural enhancement and character development, with the vision to develop and nurture students’ empathy, intellect and aspirations. Through the breadth of curriculum on offer, we ensure students have the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the modern world.

‘The school has set a high standard for what it expects pupils to achieve." Ofsted, March 2024

Our core values of commitment, optimism, resilience and empathy form the foundation of our work and we strive to ensure that the whole school community is committed to success, optimistic about the future resilient in the face of adversity and positively shaping the world around them through Empathy.

We believe in the inherent joy and power of learning. It is our fundamental belief that a carefully designed curriculum encourages thoughtful, intrinsically motivated students who are passionate about learning and a kind, empathetic and thriving community.


Academically, Harris Girls' Academy Bromley is one of the most successful schools in the country. Our Progress 8 score is amongst the very best of schools in the country and we believe that this is a result of high quality teaching, advice and guidance, alongside a carefully designed curriculum. We encourage the students to explore as many subjects as possible at Key Stage 3, before specialising at Key Stages 4 and 5 and we believe that it is important for the girls to study both the modern and classical worlds, the arts and scientific schools of thought.

Our students are guided and supported to ensure that the subjects that they choose to study at GCSE and at A-level, give them the best choice about what they want to do in the future; whether that is to go off to a Russell Group university or into employment or training. We review the curriculum every year in order to ensure that we have a suite of courses that will inspire and challenge, as well as create opportunities for success.

The curriculum is relevant to pupils in the school and careful thought is given to subject content." Ofsted, March 2024

Alongside the main curriculum, there is an extensive enrichment programme for all key stages. This offers a broad and interesting variety of activities before and after the Academy day, which aims to extend and develop what the student’s study during the day and peak curiosity and understanding in activities, events or theories not covered explicitly during class time. The students are given incredible opportunities for cultural and academic enhancement and we are very proud of the fact that the students not only learn during lesson time, but also through performance, in productions, on school visits and through our many academic lectures. 

Students have discrete PSHE and RE lessons to ensure that they are exposed to a wide variety of Religious and Cultural experiences, as well as helping them tackle the challenges that they may face in the future. Students have British Values embedded through various aspects of school life. This includes learning through the assembly and tutor programme, which reflects on current events in the world, as well as through enrichment activities, charity events and external speakers.

Key Stage 3 curriculum

The Key Stage 3 curriculum is followed by Years 7, 8 and 9 and is designed to provide depth and breadth of study whilst ensuring that appropriate time can be devoted to Mathematics, English and Science. Our intention is to give students a ‘taste’ of as many subjects as possible, whilst preparing them for and informing them about their GCSE options. Literacy and numeracy skills are developed in every subject and across the curriculum.

All girls in Years 7-9 study at least one language, which they will then continue to study until GCSE. Design Technology includes Food Technology, Textiles and Product Design. All students study Physical Education for two periods a week and competitions between faculties and with other schools is encouraged.

Pupils work hard and ask for help when needed, because they are keen to meet these high expectations." Ofsted, March 2024

Key Stage 4 curriculum

The Key Stage 4 curriculum is followed by Years 10-11. All students will study Mathematics, English, Science, and CORE PE (Non-examined), and the vast majority will study a Humanities and a Modern Foreign Language, which combined make up the English Baccalaureate (EBacc). The list of optional subjects is extensive and will provide the students with the opportunity to experience a subject, which will develop further their passion for learning and may influence their future education and career choices.

Key Stage 5 curriculum

At Key Stage 5 we are part of the highly successful Harris Sixth Form Federation and are pleased to be offering a number of subjects that students from other Harris academies come here to study with us. The breadth of curriculum at Key Stage 5 is designed to appeal to both academically-focused students, with the intention of guiding them to the best universities and apprenticeships in the country, and also provide high quality vocational courses in order to support students into the world of work or on to further high-quality training or education. For an extensive list of what is on offer in the Sixth Form, please consult the Harris Federation Sixth Form website.