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We made it! And what an incredible year it’s been. Wishing our wonderful girls and families and our brilliant staff a fantastic summer break


Yesterday we had a wonderful event, with our EAL students and our teachers sharing stories of arriving to England and all of their fascinating and unique experiences


Celebrating our , Bromley Experience and Bromley Endeavour Year 9 students who have smashed their end of year assessments, achieved top grades and who our Most Able programmes next year will support in achieving all their goals. Well done ladies 🎉📚🎶⚽️👏🏼


We loved having the Year 6 scientists in the academy today! 🧪 and what polite, mature and kind scientists they are too 😊


Exciting day for our Year 6 scientists! 🧪🔬 They're exploring 's state-of-the-art labs this afternoon, getting a taste of secondary school science. 🚀 Sparking curiosity and building confidence for their upcoming transition.


Some wonderful Year 10s have been busy this week interviewing our Year 12 potential Head Student candidates. Insightful questions, careful note-taking, opinionated young leaders 📝final round interviews next week!


We loved welcoming your girls to join us for our Summer Showcase! Thank you for coming


Wow! What a fantastic afternoon for our Year 5 & 6s at ! 🌟 They were treated to an amazing Summer performance by the talented HABR students 🎭🎶 A perfect taster of secondary school life! Thank you for hosting us! 👏


Our Year 7 scientists participated in the Egg Race yesterday ! They had a brilliant time and came third against some tough competition! Well done girls


These determined Year 11 students may have finished their GSCEs... but today they take on the challenge that is Leith Hill! developing further their initiative and independence as they complete their Silver adventure!


Another hugely successful day at THE HGABR sports day. The whole academy come together to cheer each other on and compete as faculties. This year Red Faculty were the overall winners!


HGABR Annual Sports Day has begun!


🏕️ Our Silver students from Year 10 and 11 have set up camp for night 1 of 2 after a full day of walking! What a brilliant start to the expedition 🏕️


🏆The HGABR athletes have done it again! 🏆 3 years in a row our amazing girls have gained FIRST PLACE at the regional athletics final. We could not be prouder. Tomorrow they will compete for their faculty in the HGABR 2024 Sports Day! 🏃‍♀️🎽


📚 50 BRAND NEW BOOKS just hit the library shelves. Big shout to Miss Jokogbola who convinced the amazing to send us their spare books. We geeked out at the library! 📚


🏆The HGABR athletes have done it again! 🏆 Three years in a row our amazing girls have gained FIRST PLACE at the regional athletics final. We could not be prouder. Tomorrow they will complete for their faculty in the HGABR 2024 Sports Day! 🏃‍♀️🎽


Our Year 6 taster day is in full swing with our new HGABR girls trying out lessons in Art, Science, Mandarin, Drama, Maths & more!


It’s our favourite day of the year! Welcoming our new Year 7 HGABR girls into the fold at their taster day.This morning started with a welcome assembly hearing from our current students sharing their pearls of wisdom


Live in Bromley? In Year 7-11? Join our free football training camp 30th July-23rd August! ⚽️🍝🧃Sign up here ➡️


The sunniest send-off for our Year 13 cohort this afternoon - a year group who have achieved so much, overcome so much but, most importantly, have made the most beautiful friendships - and it was an honour to celebrate that for the final time today. Have an amazing summer!☀️⛱️🌻

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Remote Learning

Our academy is now fully open for students but we will keep this section up to date in case any students are able to work from home, due to Covid.

What should I do if I have to work from home?

Your subject teachers will be uploading the lessons that you have missed on MS Teams, this may be done before the lessons or shortly after.

If you are well enough to do so please complete and submit all tasks set by your teacher. Your tasks will be set on Microsoft Teams, your teacher will monitor your completion of tasks and provide feedback. Students learning will be assessed in line with the assessment calendar, these can be found in the subject curriculum plans.

If your teacher is concerned that you may be falling behind, they will first contact you on Teams and check that you are ok, that you understand and make sure you have enough support to complete the work. This is exactly as they would do at school.

Just like at school, if your teacher is very concerned that you aren’t logging into Teams and completing work, despite them having communicated with you, they will contact your parent or carer and raise the concerns with them.

Should we be required to close the academy we will return to delivering the timetable remotely and will update this section of the website.

Students isolating at home should access the work uploaded to Teams by their classroom teacher. This will be updated no later than the end of the day when the lesson would have taken place.

Example of online learning for full academy closure:

Students should follow their timetable online unless otherwise advised. 

Lessons will follow students normal timetable and reflect their usual break or lunch times. Students will be expected to attend tutor time starting at 8:30am.  It is an expectation that all students attend online lessons.

Should your daughter be unable to attend lessons online please follow the normal academy procedure of reporting absence.

The Academy day will run as below: 

Monday: 8:30am – 3:00pm for all students 

Tuesday: 8:30am – 3:00pm for KS3. With KS4 & 5 finishing at 3:50pm

Wednesday: 8:30am – 3:00pm for KS3. With KS4 & 5 finishing at 3:50pm

Thursday: 8:30am – 3:00pm for KS3. With KS4 & 5 finishing at 3:50pm

Friday: 8:30am – 3:00pm for all students 

Break is 10:40am & Lunch 1:30pm – 2:10pm. This may change if the Teacher wishes to avoid splitting a double. 

How do I access the remote working systems?

See the Student Guide to Working From Home for guidance on how to log in and use Teams, SharePoint and other learning platforms.


if you require a laptop for your daughter who is well enough to be working remotely whilst isolating, please email    

How can I get help from my teacher?

If you have attempted a task and you find you are unable to complete it because you need more guidance, you should first message your teacher on Teams and then by email if you don’t get a response – there is a risk that your message may not have reached your teacher if something has gone wrong.

You can always use the ‘chat’ function in Teams to seek support and your teacher will get back to you promptly. You should never just ‘leave’ the work; you are responsible for managing your work and it must all be completed in full.

How should I communicate with my teacher?

This section has guidance about how to communicate with your teacher and other students about schoolwork, school matters or any worries or questions you may have.

You should send messages using Teams and/or email to your teachers to ask questions or for support.

All email communication should be made between the school hours on weekdays. Your teachers will not communicate with you outside of these times.

Your email communication and all messages on Teams should be formal

How will I get the latest updates from the academy about Covid?

We will update the school website and Twitter, which we will update with any new information. Please check there to see if there is anything new in our announcements page.

We will also email your parents/carers to keep them up to date. Any emails to parents/carers will be copied to the website so that you can see them there.

If there are any changes or any guidance published by exam boards for your examinations, we will let you know of this immediately.

DfE Guidance for parents and carers: keeping children safe online

The Department for Education has updated their information for parents and carers to include a section on keeping children safe online. It provides links to online resources that will help support parents and carers in keeping their children safe online. 
Full details can be found in section 6.3 of the guidance for parents and carers on the closure of educational settings: