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We made it! And what an incredible year it’s been. Wishing our wonderful girls and families and our brilliant staff a fantastic summer break


Yesterday we had a wonderful event, with our EAL students and our teachers sharing stories of arriving to England and all of their fascinating and unique experiences


Celebrating our , Bromley Experience and Bromley Endeavour Year 9 students who have smashed their end of year assessments, achieved top grades and who our Most Able programmes next year will support in achieving all their goals. Well done ladies 🎉📚🎶⚽️👏🏼


We loved having the Year 6 scientists in the academy today! 🧪 and what polite, mature and kind scientists they are too 😊


Exciting day for our Year 6 scientists! 🧪🔬 They're exploring 's state-of-the-art labs this afternoon, getting a taste of secondary school science. 🚀 Sparking curiosity and building confidence for their upcoming transition.


Some wonderful Year 10s have been busy this week interviewing our Year 12 potential Head Student candidates. Insightful questions, careful note-taking, opinionated young leaders 📝final round interviews next week!


We loved welcoming your girls to join us for our Summer Showcase! Thank you for coming


Wow! What a fantastic afternoon for our Year 5 & 6s at ! 🌟 They were treated to an amazing Summer performance by the talented HABR students 🎭🎶 A perfect taster of secondary school life! Thank you for hosting us! 👏


Our Year 7 scientists participated in the Egg Race yesterday ! They had a brilliant time and came third against some tough competition! Well done girls


These determined Year 11 students may have finished their GSCEs... but today they take on the challenge that is Leith Hill! developing further their initiative and independence as they complete their Silver adventure!


Another hugely successful day at THE HGABR sports day. The whole academy come together to cheer each other on and compete as faculties. This year Red Faculty were the overall winners!


HGABR Annual Sports Day has begun!


🏕️ Our Silver students from Year 10 and 11 have set up camp for night 1 of 2 after a full day of walking! What a brilliant start to the expedition 🏕️


🏆The HGABR athletes have done it again! 🏆 3 years in a row our amazing girls have gained FIRST PLACE at the regional athletics final. We could not be prouder. Tomorrow they will compete for their faculty in the HGABR 2024 Sports Day! 🏃‍♀️🎽


📚 50 BRAND NEW BOOKS just hit the library shelves. Big shout to Miss Jokogbola who convinced the amazing to send us their spare books. We geeked out at the library! 📚


🏆The HGABR athletes have done it again! 🏆 Three years in a row our amazing girls have gained FIRST PLACE at the regional athletics final. We could not be prouder. Tomorrow they will complete for their faculty in the HGABR 2024 Sports Day! 🏃‍♀️🎽


Our Year 6 taster day is in full swing with our new HGABR girls trying out lessons in Art, Science, Mandarin, Drama, Maths & more!


It’s our favourite day of the year! Welcoming our new Year 7 HGABR girls into the fold at their taster day.This morning started with a welcome assembly hearing from our current students sharing their pearls of wisdom


Live in Bromley? In Year 7-11? Join our free football training camp 30th July-23rd August! ⚽️🍝🧃Sign up here ➡️


The sunniest send-off for our Year 13 cohort this afternoon - a year group who have achieved so much, overcome so much but, most importantly, have made the most beautiful friendships - and it was an honour to celebrate that for the final time today. Have an amazing summer!☀️⛱️🌻

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Meet Our Staff

At Harris Girls' Academy Bromley every single staff member in the school plays a crucial role in supporting and guiding our students on their educational journey.

The staff at Bromley are what make the education here special; that may be supporting students pastorally, stretching them academically or expanding their opportunities through extra-curricular provision. We have included some short profiles of our wonderful staff members below.

Nat Jasper – Head of PE

Nat Jasper

What were you doing before teaching?

I loved sport from a very young age and played football for many years. I started my career in the sports industry and worked at a gym doing personal training. I did that for about 9 years and then did some travelling across America and did some supply work in between which I really enjoyed.

Why is PE important?

There are so many benefits to students being active and engaged with sports, and I love seeing their faces when they achieve something. The students enjoy being competitive and they do so well. We have so many trophies now from a whole range of competitions. It’s great to see them engage with extracurriculars too. Sport is a big part of the foundation here, certainly more than how it is at other schools I’ve seen.

Justine Anglin-Smith – 2ic Science

Justine Anglin Smith

When did you join HGABR?

I started as a trainee and usually trainees won’t be given certain responsibilities, but towards the end of my training year, I was offered the chance to take on a form group. That really showed me that the school saw something in me and trusted me.

What are you most proud of?

For me, I’m proud of being a black woman and my grandparents coming from the Caribbean, my Dad’s Mum came over in the Windrush generation and I’m the first person in my family to have gone to university. I just strive to be the best that I can for myself, my family, and my students.

Gill Stockwell – Pastoral Manager

Gill Stockwell – Pastoral Manager

Why did you join HGABR?

This was actually my old school when I was a student; it’s a nice school and the girls are good to work with. I’ve found my vocation in life, and I’ve been able to build a good relationship with the students here. The girls are really nice and come to me with issues and I like being able to support them.

What is your favourite memory from HGABR?

One of my favourite memories is I worked with a student for a long time and when she left, she wrote me a note that said when she grows up, she inspired to be like me. I still have it, and she must be about 30 now. That was really lovely.

Richard Wood – Vice Principal

Richard Wood

What inspires you?

I previously worked in Bangladesh, despite not knowing anyone who had been there before. I was working in classrooms where you might have 100 students with almost no resources, and it showed me how much can still be achieved. From that experience, I learnt that education is something universal to every society and every person internationally.

What is your favourite memory from HGABR?

My favourite memories are when you have a really strong relationship with the students so it’s a great environment in the classroom; and the really special moments come from when you’re explaining a tricky concept and all the work you’ve put in and relationships you’ve built with the students pay off and you see them have lightbulb moments where they make sense of something, and it clicks.

Chris Blackburn – Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages

Chris Blackburn

What inspired you to teach?

I was working in luxury retail for 10 years but always had an interest in education. I’d been considering doing my teacher training for a few years and was never sure when the right time was. Then about 5 years ago, I became a governor for a school in Streatham and I’ve absolutely loved it. That experience just confirmed for me that working in education is what I want to be doing. I really like that I’m now doing something with more purpose and in a job where I feel like I make a difference every day.

Amy French – Director of Art and Design


What were you doing before teaching?

I have a degree in costume making and worked in various theatres, mostly around London. I worked in wardrobe which meant I was maintaining, altering, and laundering the clothes for the shows that are running. I worked for the National Theatre for a long time and did a couple of West End shows too.

How did you get into teaching?

I’d been thinking about teaching for a while and then did some more research. I discovered that you could train on the job and be paid a salary, and that felt like the only viable route for me so when I found out it was an option, that was what I decided to go for.